Available Positions

Please consult the postings on the Human Resources Career page.

Note: If you have not yet been employed by McGill or if your past contract has come to an end, then you will need to apply as an External Candidate.

Application Period: May 1, 2024 - May 22, 2024

COMP 202 Foundations of Programming COMP 202VF COMP 204 Computer Programming for Life Sciences COMP 204VF COMP 206 Introduction to Software Systems COMP 206VF COMP 208 Computer Programming for Physical Sciences and Engineering COMP 208VF COMP 230 Logic and Computability COMP 230VF COMP 250 Introduction to Computer Science COMP 250VF COMP 251 Algorithms and Data Structures COMP 251VF COMP 273 Introduction to Computer Systems COMP 273VF COMP 302 Programming Languages and Paradigms COMP 302VF COMP 303 Software Design COMP 303VF COMP 307 Principles of Web Development COMP 307VF COMP 310 Operating Systems COMP 310VF COMP 321 Programming Challenges COMP 321VF COMP 330 Theory of Computation COMP 330VF COMP 350 Numerical Computing COMP 350VF COMP 360 Algorithm Design COMP 360VF COMP 361D COMP 361DVF COMP 370 Introduction to Data Science COMP 370VF COMP 424 Artificial Intelligence COMP 424VF COMP 445 Computational Linguistics COMP 445VF COMP 451 Fundamentals of Machine Learning COMP 451VF COMP 462 Computational Biology Methods COMP 462VF COMP 512 Distributed Systems COMP 512VF COMP 514 Applied Robotics COMP 514VF COMP 521 Modern Computer Games COMP 521VF COMP 523 Language-based Security COMP 523VF COMP 533 Model-Driven Software Development COMP 533VF COMP 547 Cryptography and Data Security COMP 547VF COMP 550 Natural Language Processing COMP 550VF COMP 551 Applied Machine Learning COMP 551VF COMP 557 Fundamentals of Computer Graphics COMP 557VF COMP 558 Fundamentals of Computer Vision COMP 558VF COMP 561 Computational Biology Methods and Research COMP 561VF COMP 565 Machine Learning in Genomics and Healthcare COMP 565VF

Application Process

The School sends e-mail to all registered graduate students in Computer Science soliciting applications on a pre-established date determined by the T.A. Union (see "Posting dates" below. Students must consult T.A. postings, available in electronic format on the School's website, and must apply online by the official deadline date indicated on the individual postings.

The School employs Teaching Assistants (T.A.s) who help with undergraduate and occasionally graduate courses in Computer Science and provide programming assistance. The total remuneration is approximately $2000 per unit.

Eligibility Criteria

Teaching Assistants at McGill University are unionized. The Association of Graduate Students Employed at McGill (AGSEM) contract regulations stipulate that graduate students currently registered at McGill may be employed as T.A.s.

Stipend (Union Dues, etc.)

The stipend in the School, as negotiated by the union, is currently $29.33 per hour.

As T.A. positions are unionized and are covered by the Association of Graduate Students employed at McGill (AGSEM), the university is required to withhold union dues currently established by the Union at 2.5% of a T.A. stipend. Furthermore, a 4% vacation entitlement is already included in the T.A. stipend.

Qualifications & Duties

A T.A. must possess the following qualifications:

  1. proficient language and communication skills
  2. A good command of the course material
  3. Must be able to demonstrate this command to the satisfaction of the course instructor. At the very least, should be capable of doing the homework assigned to the students in the course.
  4. Other qualifications may also be required
  5. All qualifications will be clearly indicated on the T.A. postings.

A T.A. will be required to:

  1. Grade assignments and exams under the supervision of the course instructor
  2. Prepare solution sets for assignments, etc.
  3. Maintain and observe office and/or lab hours
  4. Photocopy course notes, handouts, etc.
  5. Be available throughout the examination period
  6. Other duties may also be required
  7. These will be clearly identified by the course instructor at the beginning of the T.A. assignment and will be captured on the T.A. workload form.

Workload Form

The standard workload of a Teaching Assistant in the School is 90 hours per term or approximately 5 hours per week. Each term is normally four months, i.e. September through December (Fall term) and January through April (Winter term). The School also offers a summer term that runs for a period of two months, usually May through June.

Everyone employed as a T. A. in the School must complete a T.A. Workload Form. This form clearly defines a T.A.'s time committments and must be completed with the course instructor at the very beginning of an assignment. A copy of this form remains part of a T.A.'s employment record. Any changes to this form must be approved by both the instructor and the T.A. and should also be reflected in the T.A.'s employment record. Successful applicants will be given a workload form upon returning their official letter of offer (signed) and union form (signed).

Evaluation Process

The instructor of the course evaluates the performance of the T.A. assigned to the course. These evaluations must be signed by the course instructor and the T.A. and remain on file for future reference.

Funding Forms

If you do not have a Social Insurance Number, you should apply for one by bringing a letter confirming your employment to the Human Resource Centre’s area closest to your postal code. The School prepares the letter.

All forms and documents must be returned to Kamini Dass. If you have any questions, please send an email to accounting.clerk@cs.mcgill.ca.

Payroll requests will be processed only after all forms, including the signed acceptance letter, have been returned to Kamini Dass.

Personal Data Form

Must be completed, dated and signed. If you should move later in the year, or at any other time, make sure that you make a change of address by revising your Personal Data form (always available in our office). This is important, as the address that will be recorded in your file will be used for mailing the T-4 slips you will need to prepare your income tax returns.

Tax Form

Must also be completed entirely, dated and signed whether you are requesting that deductions be made or not. Please remember that even if you ask to be exempted from paying taxes, deductions such as the Quebec Pension Plan (QPP) and the Employment Insurance are mandatory, as well as the Union dues for Graduate Student Teaching Assistants.

In the event that you have asked for an exemption and that your financial situation changes in the course of the year, you may re-submit tax forms if you wish to have deductions made. Again, Tax forms are available in our office.

Direct Deposit Form

Direct Deposit information must be filled out on Minerva. McGill University does not issue paper pay cheques. Employees are paid by direct deposit only.

Foreign Students

Foreign students must submit a copy of a Student Authorization or Landed Immigrant document when the status changes.

Computer Science Teaching Assistant Awards

The School of Computer Science recognizes the excellence, and commitment of our teaching assistants (TAs) and the important role that they play in the academic experience of students in the School. The award celebrates the work of TAs who regularly inspire and challenge undergraduate and graduate students.

For more information see the TA Awards page